Acupuncture - Initial consultation and treatment
This consultation will explore your concerns to see how acupuncture can help to support and treat your condition(s). This consultation is based upon a health questionnaire completed by you online prior to your first visit. All information will be reviewed, expanded upon and if necessary aspects clarified at your first appointment. A personalised treatment will then be provided in-person at your first appointment. Learn what you can expect in a session or book a treatment today.
Acupuncture - follow up treatment
Acupuncture treatment for existing patients. Treatments will be based upon the treatment plan discussed and agreed after the first treatment, but will also incorporate a degree of flexibility. Chinese Medicine views the person as a whole so doesn’t just take into account the presenting symptom alone, it ultimately looks to identify the ‘root’ cause and restore balance and harmony. As acupuncture treatments naturally progress sometimes different physical or emotional symptoms emerge, with this in mind follow up treatments can to be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Facial Acupuncture
A safe and natural approach to aging.
Facial Acupuncture is widely recognised as a means to enhance and boost the look and health of the skin and also rejuvenate the complexion. Acupuncture works by encouraging blood circulation and Qi to the face so triggers regeneration of the skin, by increasing oxygenation, and boosting the production of collagen and elastin. This helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and will lift and improve the overall skin tone. This organic process occurs as a result of the microtrauma created by needling the face, which in turn initiates the bodys healing response. To further intensify these results, this treatment is combined with Dermalux LED Phototherapy. This device uses wavelengths of light that have been scientifically proven to stimulate cell renewal, hydration and rejuvenation.
It is recommended that a course of 10 treatments are taken for optimum results. To maintain longer term effects top up sessions are often required.
Learn what you can expect in a session